QA Global Summit 2022 – Junior Track- Recap

Global map of the world

The QA Global Summit was held on October 18–19, 2022. I had the opportunity to attend the QA Global Summit 2022 on October 18, 2022. The QA Global Summit was definitely a great experience to learn more about software testing. The topics ranged from accessibility, performance testing, automation, no and low-code testing, and much more. Here are a few sessions I wanted to share from the QA Global Summit 2022.

Talk 1: How to Start Testing for Web Accessibility

The talk was presented by Milomir Dragović. This presentation focused on what accessibility is and how accessibility is used in our daily lives.
Things Learned.
demonstrated different illustrations of accessibility that are used daily, such as:

  • Television captions
  • Podcast captions
  • Crosswalks that are accessible for wheelchairs

The talk emphasized how to start testing accessibility. There are several ways to begin. Here are four ways to begin. One, start testing as soon as possible in the design phase. Two: start with W3 schools. An example is using alt tags in your code. Three, verify if the text color is readable on the background of the website or mobile phone. Four, check out the Meta SEO Inspector. This will allow you to inspect metadata inside web pages that will find issues and offer suggestions to fix them. Five, check out the color contrast sites to ensure the colors selected for your website or mobile phone pass or fail. I found a couple that I found useful.

Talk 2: The Curious Case of Mobile App Performance Testing

A performance testing discussion.
Things Learned

  • The difference between native apps, web apps, and hybrid
  • Understanding metrics from the client’s mobile app such as:
    • Examine the percentages of CPU, memory, data sent and received by the application, and battery usage on the device.
    • Measure how the app is drawn on the device, such as rendering time in milliseconds, frames per second, or rendering lag time.
    • Check for exceptions, and applications not responding in Android- People will receive a message on the screen that says “This is not working.”
    • Check response times such as time taken to complete an action, server response times, database response times, network latency, screen drawing time, application startup, and application background.
    • Check for memory leaks and crashes.
Talk 3: Transform Your Journey in AI (Artificial Intelligence)

Things Learned
Tools to use for Artificial Intelligence. I gathered a few tools, which are listed below.


The QA Global Summit was a great opportunity to learn more tools to use as a software tester. It definitely allowed me to examine some of those tools and how I could implement them in my job.


QA Global Summit – Junior Track for 2022 on YouTube
Photos: Pixabay
Quality image
Crosswalk image

Disclaimer:  These are the recommendations and opinions of my experience working in a quality engineering environment.

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